Emerge Stronger
Friends, First of all, thank you for the support you’ve given me over the years. As you are well aware, these are unprecedented times. Over the last six months, IRead More
Friends, First of all, thank you for the support you’ve given me over the years. As you are well aware, these are unprecedented times. Over the last six months, IRead More
Phil Scott’s Wheels for Warmth Gives Used Tires a New Spin by Michelle Hughes Copyright The Montpelier Bridge 2007 Tucked away in the back corner of my garage sit two perfectlyRead More
Phil Scott the only candidate focused on the economy and affordability Middlesex, Vt. – In response to his opponent’s statements supporting the creation of a new state sales tax onRead More
Phil Scott Highlights Commitment to Road and Bridge Infrastructure, Opposition to Higher Transportation Taxes & Carbon Tax Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association Endorses Phil Scott for Governor So. Burlington, Vt.–Read More
My plan will achieve budget savings and shorten legislative sessions Middlesex, Vt. – Just days after the second session of the legislative biennium gaveled to a close, candidate for GovernorRead More
Lt. Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement on the House of Representatives’ passage of H.872, H.873 and H.875, the fee, tax and appropriations bills: “I cannot support theRead More
For more than two years, Phil Scott has been calling for REAL solution to Vermont’s failed healthcare exchange. Elect Phil Scott and Vermont will transition to a better, less costlyRead More
I’ve urged legislators to evaluate every proposal based on whether it helps our economy, improves efficiencies or reduces costs.