Phil Scott Highlights Commitment to Road and Bridge Infrastructure, Opposition to Higher Transportation Taxes & Carbon Tax
Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association Endorses Phil Scott for Governor
So. Burlington, Vt.– Phil Scott today laid out his plan for improving Vermont’s roads and bridges, and reiterated his opposition to higher transportation taxes, a carbon tax and infrastructure debt supported by his opponents.
At an event where he also accepted the endorsement of the Vermont Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association, Scott highlighted his work to reduce the Legislature’s raid on the Transportation Fund and outlined his plan for transportation when he serves as Governor.
“I am proud to have VADA’s endorsement. Supporting small businesses, and making Vermont more affordable for families and business, is critical to growing our economy, so I applaud VADA’s ongoing work to champion transportation related businesses, and fighting to ensure those businesses and their employees thrive,” Scott said. “Transportation is a key piece of growing the economy and making Vermont more affordable and I appreciate the opportunity to release my priorities in this area.”
Highlights of Scott’s plan include:
- Strengthening the link between economic growth and infrastructure with a comprehensive plan that streamlines processes and prioritizes maintenance to reduce costs;
- Opposing new or higher transportation taxes;
- Ensuring the transportation fund is not raided and is managed properly; and
- Encouraging innovation in transportation and other sectors by restoring the full research and development tax credit.
Listen, Learn, Lead: Meet Phil Scott
Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott has been a consistent voice of reason and common sense in Montpelier. As the only Republican elected to statewide office, Phil has shown determination and leadership in advocating for Vermonters and promoting policies and programs that benefit Vermont families and the economy. Read about Phil Scott’s plans at