Lt. Gov. Candidate Randy Brock, 100+ Republican Leaders Endorse Phil Scott for Governor

Brock says Scott is ‘Leader with Tremendous Integrity’ 
Duo pledge to work together to oppose new taxes and strengthen economy

Colchester, VT – Randy Brock today was the leading voice in a chorus of long-time Republican leaders and activists endorsing Phil Scott for Governor.

Scott said he was grateful to Brock for the endorsement and looked forward to working with him on their shared goals.

“As a former State Auditor, State Senator, and vice president of risk management at one of the largest private companies in the country, Randy has a strong background in fiscal management and accountability. He is a true public servant with the right skills, ethics and experience for serving as Lt. Governor, Scott said. “We have worked together before in the Senate and I look forward to working with him again to implement my plan to make government more efficient, our economy stronger and our state more affordable for families and businesses. I know he is the right person for the job as he shares my vision of putting principle before politics. Randy believes as I do that we must work together in order to restore faith and trust in state government.”

In the mean time, both Scott and Brock pledged to work together to support Republican candidates up and down the ticket.

“I am supporting Phil Scott because I know he is a fighter for working Vermonters and will oppose all new taxes. Phil and I share the same goals for growing Vermont’s economy and making Vermont more affordable. We also know how vitally important it is to the future of our state to have more balance in Montpelier,” Brock said.  “Phil Scott is someone I know will set clear pro-growth priorities and bring people together to get real results.  Most importantly, he is a leader with tremendous integrity who we can count on to restore faith and trust in the Governor’s office. That is why I am pleased to be supporting him in this election and why I look forward to working with him again in Montpelier.”

Scott has received the support of more than 100 Republican lawmakers, former legislators, former candidates for office, and GOP officials from all across Vermont.  This show of support by Vermont Republican leaders comes two and a half months after Scott announced the overwhelming support of 56 sitting Republican legislators.

Vermont Republican leaders know that Phil Scott is a lifelong Vermont Republican who has been with them in the trenches fighting to make Vermont a better state and is the right candidate to lead Vermont forward.

“It is long past time to put a leader in the Governor’s office who Vermonters can count on, and I’m confident that Phil Scott will deliver. Phil will place Vermont back on the right track toward economic prosperity,” said former Vermont Republican Party Chair Paul T. Carroccio of Bennington County.

“As a working Vermonter himself, Phil has run a campaign that puts Vermonters first. As Governor, he’ll work hard to restore faith and trust in state government and to address the growing crisis of affordability that so many Vermonters are facing,” added former State Representative Connie Houston (R-Ferrisburgh).

“It’s an honor to have the support of so many former lawmakers and Vermont GOP officials. They can be confident that as governor, I will focus on growing our economy, work tirelessly to make Vermont more affordable, and restore faith and trust in government,” said Scott.

The list of current and former Vermont Republican officials, current and former Republican candidates, and former Republican lawmakers includes:

Current and Former VT GOP Officials and Candidates:
Fmr. VT GOP Chair Jim Barnett
Fmr. VT GOP Chair Paul Carroccio
Fmr. VT GOP Chair & State Rep. Steve Larrabee (R-Danville)
Fmr. VT GOP Secretary Jackie Barnett
Caledonian County GOP Chair John Kascenska
Orange County GOP Chair Mary Daly
Washington County GOP Chair Josh Fitzhugh
Fmr. Windsor County GOP Chair Suzanne Butterfield
Groton Town GOP Chair Brent Smith
Fmr. GOP Nominee for Secretary of State Jason Gibbs
Craig Vance, candidate for Vermont House of Representatives
Gary Nolan, candidate for Vermont House of Representatives
Riki French, candidate for Vermont House of Representatives
Bruce Melendy, candidate for Vermont House of Representatives
Mike Doyle, candidate for Vermont State Senate
Kate Purcell, former candidate for Vermont State Senate
Buddy Barnett, former candidate for Vermont State Senate

Former VT GOP Lawmakers:
Addison County
Fmr. State Rep. Connie Houston (R-Ferrisburgh)
Fmr. State Rep. Mark Young (R-Orwell)
Bennington County
Fmr. Speaker of the Vermont House of Representatives Walt Freed (R-Dorset)
Fmr. State Rep. Allen C. Palmer (R-Pownal)
Fmr. State Rep. Judy Livingston (R-Manchester)
Chittenden County
Fmr. State Rep. Joyce Errecart (R-Shelburne)
Fmr. State Rep. Frank Mazur (R-South Burlington)
Franklin County
Fmr. State Senator George Costes (R-Franklin County)
Fmr. State Rep. Carl J. Rosenquist (R-Georgia)
Lamoille County
Fmr. State Rep. Adam Howard (R-Cambridge)
Fmr. State Rep. Cathy Lamberton (R-Morristown)
Fmr. State Rep. Richard Marron (R-Stowe)
Northeast Kingdom Region (Essex, Orleans, and Caledonia Counties)
Fmr. State Senator Jim Greenwood (R-Essex and Orleans Counties)
Fmr. State Rep. Robert Lewis Jr. (R-Derby)
Fmr. State Rep. Duncan Kilmartin (R-Newport)
Fmr. State Rep. Scott Wheeler (R-Newport)
Fmr. State Rep. David Brown (R-Walden)
Fmr. State Rep. Janice Peaslee (R-Guildhall)
Fmr. State Rep. John Morley III (R-Orleans)
Fmr. State Rep. Gary Reis (R-St. Johnsbury)
Fmr. State Rep. Donald Bostic (R-St. Johnsbury)
Fmr. State Rep. Howard Crawford (R-St. Johnsbury)
Fmr. State Rep. David P. Bolduc (R-Barton)
Rutland County
Fmr. State Senator Judy Bloomer Crowley (R-Rutland County)
Fmr. State Senator John Crowley (R-Rutland County)
Fmr. State Senator Hull Maynard (R-Rutland County)
Washington County
Fmr. State Rep. Tom Koch (R-Barre Town)
Windsor County
Fmr. State Rep. John E. Follett (R-Springfield)
Fmr. State Rep. Steve Adams (R-Hartland)

Listen, Learn, Lead: Meet Phil Scott
Phil Scott has been a consistent voice of reason and common sense in Montpelier. As the only Republican elected to statewide office, Phil has shown determination and leadership in advocating for Vermonters, fighting for affordability and promoting policies and programs that benefit Vermont families and the economy. Read about Phil Scott’s plans at