Endorsements, debates, early voting and our first radio ad! Yes, Team Scott is kicking into high gear ahead of the holiday weekend to celebrate our Independence Day. A few of this week’s highlights from the state’s most energetic and hardworking campaign are below.
Phil has already received the endorsement from 56 of the 61 Republican state legislators and this week earned additional praise and support from across the state. The entire Northeast Kingdom Republican delegation has endorsed Phil for Governor, with legislators representing every town in the NEK’s Caledonia, Orleans and Essex Counties announcing their support. Twelve Republican lawmakers from Rutland County and three more from Lamoille County also elaborated upon their enthusiastic support of Phil for Governor.
We think they said it best, so hear it straight from them below:
“As governor, Phil will put Vermont back on the path toward economic growth.” – Sen. Joe Benning of Caledonia County (Source: Caledonia Record)
“While some of his opponents have engaged in D.C. tactics in an attempt to spread falsehoods about his record, Phil has run a positive campaign focused on Vermonters.” – Rep. Constance Quimby of Essex County (Source: Caledonia Record)
“As governor, he will be a champion for addressing the growing crisis of affordabilityand restoring faith and trust in state government,” Rep. Paul Lefebvre of Essex County (Source: Caledonia Record)
“I’m confident that I speak on behalf of all three of the Lamoille County lawmakers who have endorsed Phil when I say that he is the right choice to be Vermont’s next governor.” – State Sen. Rich Westman of Lamoille County (Source: Stowe Reporter)
“Phil is honest, his word is his bond. Phil works extremely well with all parties in a way which serves all Vermonters, not just some Vermonters or one party.” – Rep. Gary Viens of Orleans County (Source: Caledonia Record)
“It’s time to change the paradigm from what it has been for the last six years; Phil will bring much needed patience and experience to Montpelier so that decisions are publicly informed and put Vermont back on a track toward economic growth.” – Sen. Peg Flory of Rutland County (Source: Mountain Times)
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A number of media outlets have ramped up their coverage of gubernatorial candidate’s campaigns in anticipation of the August 9th primary, which is just 38 days away.
The Rutland Herald and Seven Days nicely profiled the contrast between our opponent and us to show that Team Scott is running a positive campaign that focuses on what Vermonters have been telling us – that the state is unaffordable. We are proud to be able to focus on the important issues through a positive lens.
Multiple debates this week – focused on topics of community health and services, wind energy and economic issues in Southern Vermont and the Northeast Kingdom – illustrated that there is a clear choice in this election. As the only candidate that serves as both a small business owner and a statewide office holder, Phil has the experience, character and vision to tackle our crisis of affordability, strengthen the economy and restore faith and trust in state government.
Phil elaborated on his plans to improve the economy and modernize state government to increase efficiency, while providing the leadership to bring people together to responsibly address our energy opportunities, health care challenges and support vulnerable Vermonters.
In a forum presented by the Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Phil committed to making the economy his top priority. As Phil stated, population loss and an aging demographic are decimating our workforce (read more on his plan to address these issues HERE). While his opponents offered their support for a mandated increase in the minimum wage to $15, Phil made it clear he would not support this mandate as it would negatively impact small businesses, and have a ripple effect that “ratchets up the cost of living.” Read more from Phil during the Southern Vermont-focused debate HERE.
Addressing our community health issues at a forum hosted by the Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, Phil noted he would work to find savings in the state budget by eliminating inefficiencies and reallocating administrative costs to better fund critical health and mental health services, rather than continuing to overtax Vermonters. Read more from Phil during the community health forum HERE.
Phil stood up for the Northeast Kingdom in a forum in Irasburg, where he said “the Northeast Kingdom, in particular, has unfairly been a dumping ground for a lot of different initiatives in Vermont, unfairly…we need to protect this area, we need to protect its culture.” Read more from Phil during the NEK forum HERE.
We know, we sound like a broken record – but don’t forget early voting for the August 9primary is now open in all towns – so get to your town clerk’s office TODAY and vote for Phil (find your town clerk HERE)! Phil has the grassroots support from Vermonters. Let’s send a clear message in the primary that carries through to the General Election!
Once you’ve voted, let your friends, families and neighbors know by sharing our “I Voted Phil Scott” image on your social networks. Click HERE to get the image. Let everyone know you not only support Phil, but got to the voting booth early!
Be sure to check out – and share – Phil Scott for Vermont’s first radio ad by clicking HERE. Phil will continue to run a campaign focused on the issues and how he’ll help Vermonters. Read the official press release HERE.
Team Scott didn’t just hit the road on our mobile campaign office this week, we also hit the road with sneakers and bikes in support of two important causes. Phil participated in the Lamoille Area Cancer Network’s LACiNg Up for Cancer Walk, while Team Scott also took part in the Long Trail Century Ride to benefit Vermont adaptive ski and sports. Back on Blizzard, we stopped by the Brattleboro Savings and Loan, and had a great turn out for the Waterbury “Not Quite Independence Day” Parade.
“Phil Scott will bring prosperity”
“Our next Governor must propose and enforce spending limits and require more efficiencies, all in a ‘win-win’ manner. It’s a tough job but it can be done. It must be done, and the best candidate to do it is Phil Scott.” – Paul Carroccio (Source: Bennington Banner: Full Story)
Phil on healthcare and the economy
“We’re trying to put people back to work, making sure we have something that’s vibrant and that we’re living within our means, and healthcare is an essential part of that.” (Source: WPTZ: Full Story)
Burlington Free Press: VT retailers say GMO label unclear
Vermont’s GMO labeling law, requiring that products containing genetically engineered food be labeled, goes into effect today. Whether you agree with this law or not, it’s unfortunate that small businesses often bear the burden of unintended consequences and unclear laws. The Burlington Free Press covered that burden this week, with an article on the impact of this law on local retailers who aren’t sure what they’re responsible for in the labeling process and how it will impact their businesses, and their vendors. This is an example of why it’s critical to listen and learn when creating new policy and regulation. As Governor, Phil will keep an open line of communication with Vermont businesses to make certain state government understands the impact of its actions. Read the full article HERE.
Thanks to everyone that came out to events and participated in meetings this week. Be sure to follow along with the campaign’s activities everyday – and share your thoughts – @PhilScott4VT and https://www.facebook.com/