There’s been a lot of talk about what was accomplished this past legislative session, including:
- $71 million in property tax rate relief;
- Eliminating the tax on Social Security for low and middle-income Vermonters;
- Lowering income tax rates across the board for all filers;
- And much more!
But what you haven’t heard as much about were the various pieces of harmful legislation that could have passed — from a new carbon tax to a new payroll tax — but didn’t, thanks to Governor Scott’s efforts and the solid backing of legislative Republicans.
Here are just some of the taxes and fees Governor Scott and Republican lawmakers were able to prevent:
- New carbon tax;
- New payroll tax on Vermonters’ wages;
- Income tax surcharge;
- Increase in the meals and rooms tax;
- Occupancy fee;
- Per-parcel fee;
- Small business surcharge;
- Sugar tax;
- Bag tax;
- And many, many more!
Thanks to Governor Scott’s vetoes and a united Republican Caucus, we avoided many new taxes and fees. They displayed fiscal responsibility and showed a real commitment to affordability.
Primary Day is next Tuesday, and we need your support! Please vote in the Republican Primary on Tuesday, August 14th for Governor Phil Scott so he can continue to fight for our wallets!