I am supporting Phil Scott for governor because he is a working man. Always willing to stop and talk and all around nice guy. I have no doubt Phil has everything it takes to LEAD this state back to where it needs to be!
– Eric Chase, Berlin
I am supporting Phil Scott for governor because he is a working man. Always willing to stop and talk and all around nice guy. I have no doubt Phil has everything it takes to LEAD this state back to where it needs to be!
– Eric Chase, Berlin
I am supporting Phil Scott because VT needs a governor who will listen to the people, and bring VT back to the great state it once was. I have supported and voted for you every time you ran for election, and this time will be no different.
– Anne Finegan. South Barre, VT
As a young Vermonter, I know that Phil Scott understands the demographic crisis our state is facing. As Governor, he’ll work hard to ensure making Vermont affordable is a top priority. That’s why he has my enthusiastic support.
– Hayden Dublois. Manchester, VT
I am supporting Phil Scott for governor because he is a very sensible conservative. He can relate to, and reason with the Left side of the isle much more than anyone could , who would be too far Right. We need the Right side to be heard, and to have influence here in Vermont. It will take someone like Phil Scott to do this for us.
– Diana Hanks. Winooski, VT
We were born, raised and educated in Vermont, are now raising a family here and have carried on the family businesses of farming and logging. We encourage our fellow Vermonters to vote for Phil Scott for Governor.
His approach is one of balance and thoughtful consideration when charting the state’s path into the future. It’s an approach that the most successful people use in their personal, business and political lives. Our best mentors have taught us this as well and we can’t help but gravitate toward a leader who isn’t seeking an extreme, uncompromising position on important legislation.
All business owners who’s work is intertwined with our natural resources are evolving in how we view and modify our impact on the environment. Phil Scott is the candidate that has experience with both the regulatory and the applied side of that equation, having operated and grown a business that interacts with our natural resources like thousands of other Vermonters, in construction, on the farm or the woods. Phil Scott has our vote in November and we hope he has yours too.
– Sam and Ashley Lincoln, Randolph Center
I support Phil Scott because VT needs to move in a different direction and Phil has a good internal compass to head us in that direction. Constant heading to the left is a big and costly mistake for Vermont. VT doesn’t need to continue on a path to become a liberal theme park.
– Bill Gardyne. Derby, VT
I support Phil for Governor as he is a sincere people person who cares about people and their struggles. When Irene devastated Vt. He was the only one in State Govt. who helped us who helped us recover. He came by almost daily during the recovery, with no cameras, no press, no photo ops, to bolster his ego. A person with “boots on, to help” if he could, or steer help our way. He would talk with our 87 yr old Mother, who had lost her MHP in Duxbury, displacing the 21 families and channeled help to recover. Phil is a doer, not a photo op, publicity person. He has our vote for Governor.
– Ed Patterson, Duxbury.
As a young Vermonter, I am proud to support Phil Scott in his bid for Governor. Phil knows what it takes to make our state a more desirable place to live and work for individuals of all ages and backgrounds.
– Colin Santee, Fairfax
I support Phil Scott because he genuinely cares and is motivated in the true spirit of public service which is very rare in politics today. He understands that Vermonters are struggling to afford the basics. An increasing number of Vermonters are turning to food pantries to make ends meet. Some Vermonters are even choosing to pay the fine/tax for not signing of up for health care because its cheaper than the cost of Vermont Health Connect. No other candidate has the same integrity as Phil Scott because with Phil his word actually means something.
Thomas Joseph
Brattleboro, VT
I support Phil Scott for Governor because of his business experience and his way of handling emergency situations. He was an inspiration on how he handled his own crisis. His business fire was a devastating blow. Yet Phil Scott was cool under fire and saw to his employees and kept the business going. That is the mindset we need in Montpelier.
I support Phil Scott because he has worked hard to be successful, and understands how hard it is for hard working people to get ahead in this economy. He cares and he listens.
– Kenneth A. Brier Sr.