Middlesex, Vt. – The Bennington Banner today endorsed Phil Scott for Governor, citing his understanding of how small businesses across industries work, and noting that this understanding will help improve the economy.
In its endorsement, the Banner writes, “Phil Scott is the best choice for Vermont’s next governor.”
“While the economy has improved since the Great Recession, recovery has been long and difficult. Few small businesses owners tell us things are easy for them, especially when it comes to taxes, regulations and health care, not to mention simply meeting their payrolls.
“During his time as lieutenant governor, Scott initiated the ‘Vermont Everyday Jobs’ initiative where he travels the state and spends a day working at a small business. He’s been to a variety of places and has developed an understanding of how small businesses across a multitude of industries works in Vermont. A governor with a deep understanding of the challenges small businesses face is what’s needed in Vermont right now.
“If Scott’s approach improves the state’s economy, this will open the door to solving other issues the state has been struggling with, namely health care, education costs, and the opioid problem.
“Regarding Act 46, Scott is a strong proponent of school choice, which many local boards and communities want. Much of what’s come out of the Legislature in recent years seems to have been rushed. Act 46 created a great deal of confusion locally and statewide. Vermont Health Connect, likewise, was poorly assembled, to put it mildly.
“We wonder what some of these things might have looked like had not one party been in control of the entire state government. Scott, a Republican, might be in a better position to bring balance back to Montpelier.
“Based on what we know of Mr. Scott, he’s no obstructionist. He’s shown he can work with people from both parties and is widely respected among other seat holders…”
Read the Banner’s full endorsement here.