Check Their Record Before You Check the Box

Lawmakers who voted to override the Governor’s veto and impose a historic property tax increase on Vermonters:


Baruth of Chittenden-Central District
Bray of Addison District
Campion of Bennington District
Chittenden of Chittenden-Southeast District
Clarkson of Windsor District
Cummings of Washington District
Gulick of Chittenden-Central District
Hardy of Addison District
Harrison of Windham District
Hashim of Windham District
Julow of Grand Isle District
Kitchel of Caledonia District
Lyons of Chittenden-Southeast District
MacDonald of Orange District
McCormack of Windsor District
Perchlik of Washington District
Ram Hinsdale of Chittenden-Southeast District
Starr of Orleans District
Vyhovsky of Chittenden-Central District
Watson of Washington District
White of Windsor District
Wrenner of Chittenden-North District


House of Representatives

Brady of Williston
Rachelson of Burlington
Andrews of Westford
Andriano of Orwell
Anthony of Barre City
Arrison of Weathersfield
Arsenault of Williston
Austin of Colchester
Berbeco of Winooski
Birong of Vergennes
Black of Essex
Bluemle of Burlington
Bongartz of Manchester
Bos-Lun of Westminster
Boyden of Cambridge
Brown of Richmond
Brumsted of Shelburne
Burke of Brattleboro
Burrows of West Windsor
Buss of Woodstock
Campbell of St. Johnsbury
Carpenter of Hyde Park
Carroll of Bennington
Casey of Montpelier
Chapin of East Montpelier
Chase of Chester
Chase of Colchester
Chesnut-Tangerman of Middletown Springs
Christie of Hartford
Cina of Burlington
Coffey of Guilford
Cole of Hartford
Conlon of Cornwall
Corcoran of Bennington
Cordes of Lincoln
Demrow of Corinth
Dodge of Essex
Dolan of Waitsfield
Duke of Burlington
Durfee of Shaftsbury
Elder of Starksboro
Emmons of Springfield
Farlice-Rubio of Barnet
Garofano of Essex
Goldman of Rockingham
Graning of Jericho
Headrick of Burlington
Holcombe of Norwich
Hooper of Burlington
Houghton of Essex Junction
Howard of Rutland City
Hyman of South Burlington
James of Manchester
Jerome of Brandon
Kornheiser of Brattleboro
Krasnow of South Burlington
Krowinski of Burlington
LaBounty of Lyndon
Lalley of Shelburne
LaLonde of South Burlington
LaMont of Morristown
Lanpher of Vergennes
Leavitt of Grand Isle
Logan of Burlington
Long of Newfane
Masland of Thetford
McCann of Montpelier
McCarthy of St. Albans City
McGill of Bridport
Mihaly of Calais
Minier of South Burlington
Morris of Springfield
Mrowicki of Putney
Nicoll of Ludlow
Notte of Rutland City
Nugent of South Burlington
O’Brien of Tunbridge
Ode of Burlington
Pajala of Londonderry
Patt of Worcester
Pouech of Hinesburg
Priestley of Bradford
Rice of Dorset
Roberts of Halifax
Satcowitz of Randolph
Scheu of Middlebury
Sheldon of Middlebury
Sibilia of Dover
Small of Winooski
Squirrell of Underhill
Stebbins of Burlington
Stevens of Waterbury
Surprenant of Barnard
Taylor of Colchester
Templeman of Brownington
Toleno of Brattleboro
Torre of Moretown
Troiano of Stannard
Waters Evans of Charlotte
White of Bethel
Whitman of Bennington
Williams of Barre City
Wood of Waterbury


Lawmakers who voted for the Clean Heat Standard, which could cost Vermonters billions of dollars, including hundreds or thousands more per year to heat their homes:

House of Representatives

Headrick of Burlington
James of Manchester
Mrowicki of Putney
Roberts of Halifax
Sheldon of Middlebury
Andrews of Westford
Anthony of Barre City
Arrison of Weathersfield
Arsenault of Williston
Austin of Colchester
Bartholomew of Hartland
Berbeco of Winooski
Birong of Vergennes
Black of Essex
Bluemle of Burlington
Bongartz of Manchester
Bos-Lun of Westminster
Boyden of Cambridge
Brady of Williston
Brown of Richmond
Brumsted of Shelburne
Burke of Brattleboro
Burrows of West Windsor
Buss of Woodstock
Campbell of St. Johnsbury
Carpenter of Hyde Park
Carroll of Bennington
Casey of Montpelier
Chapin of East Montpelier
Chase of Chester
Chase of Colchester
Chesnut-Tangerman of Middletown Springs
Christie of Hartford
Cina of Burlington
Coffey of Guilford
Cole of Hartford
Conlon of Cornwall
Corcoran of Bennington
Cordes of Lincoln
Demrow of Corinth
Dodge of Essex
Dolan of Essex Junction
Dolan of Waitsfield
Durfee of Shaftsbury
Elder of Starksboro
Emmons of Springfield
Farlice-Rubio of Barnet
Garofano of Essex
Goldman of Rockingham
Graning of Jericho
Holcombe of Norwich
Hooper of Burlington
Hooper of Randolph
Houghton of Essex Junction
Howard of Rutland City
Hyman of South Burlington
Jerome of Brandon
Kornheiser of Brattleboro
Krasnow of South Burlington
Krowinski of Burlington
Lalley of Shelburne
LaLonde of South Burlington
LaMont of Morristown
Lanpher of Vergennes
Leavitt of Grand Isle
Logan of Burlington
Long of Newfane
Masland of Thetford
McCann of Montpelier
McCarthy of St. Albans City
McGill of Bridport
Mihaly of Calais
Minier of South Burlington
Morris of Springfield
Mulvaney-Stanak of Burlington
Nicoll of Ludlow
Notte of Rutland City
Noyes of Wolcott
Nugent of South Burlington
Ode of Burlington
Pajala of Londonderry
Patt of Worcester
Pearl of Danville
Pouech of Hinesburg
Priestley of Bradford
Rachelson of Burlington
Rice of Dorset
Satcowitz of Randolph
Scheu of Middlebury
Sibilia of Dover
Sims of Craftsbury
Small of Winooski
Squirrell of Underhill
Stebbins of Burlington
Stevens of Waterbury
Stone of Burlington
Surprenant of Barnard
Taylor of Colchester
Templeman of Brownington
Toleno of Brattleboro
Torre of Moretown
Troiano of Stannard
Waters Evans of Charlotte
White of Bethel
Whitman of Bennington
Williams of Barre City
Wood of Waterbury



Sears of Bennington District
Baruth of Chittenden-Central District
Bray of Addison District
Campion of Bennington District
Chittenden of Chittenden-Southeast District
Clarkson of Windsor District
Cummings of Washington District
Gulick of Chittenden-Central District
Hardy of Addison District
Harrison of Windham District
Hashim of Windham District
Kitchel of Caledonia District
Lyons of Chittenden-Southeast District
MacDonald of Orange District
McCormack of Windsor District
Perchlik of Washington District
Ram Hinsdale of Chittenden-Southeast District
Vyhovsky of Chittenden-Central District
Watson of Washington District
White of Windsor District