Long before the House of Representatives’ passed its higher fee, tax and spending bills in March, Phil was urging the majority in the Legislature to do the right thing and build a budget that does not raise taxes.
Weeks later the House passed a budget that once again spends beyond our ability to pay, and increases taxes by $48 million. Phil opposes that budget, saying “I cannot support the budget passed today by the House of Representatives. If I had to vote on it, I would vote No.” He went on to say that if he were Governor, he would veto any budget that grows faster than the economy or wages in the previous year – a commitment he made when he announced he would be a candidate for Governor. Though some have said they want to keep growing at 2% and others haven’t commented at all, the fact is, Phil has drawn the clearest – and most definitive – line on budget growth. You can see for yourself in the video below.
But Vermonters shouldn’t have to wait until next January for balance and fiscal discipline in Montpelier. We need relief now! That’s why Phil has also called on the Senate to produce a responsible budget that limits growth and does not raise taxes and fees on overtaxed Vermonters. And when a vacancy occurred on the Senate’s powerful finance committee, he fought to have Senator Degree appointed. Sen. Degree is a pro-growth, pro-jobs fiscal conservative.
Make no mistake, as Governor Phil will set clear, responsible limits on our budget and eliminate structural deficits that keep recurring year after year. But it’s possible to pass a budget this year that doesn’t raises taxes. It’s time to get back on solid ground, and start growing again.